Security: You Can Learn It

Last year and a half educated us that WordPress security shouldn't be dismissed by any means. Between 15% and 20% of the planet's high traffic sites are powered by WordPress. The fact that it is an Open Source platform and everyone has access to its Source Code makes it a prey for hackers.

Besides the text and graphics you're creating, you're going to need a protection and backup option for your website. secure your wordpress site is quite important, and if you back up your website and do not protect you could lose data and information that might be hard to restore. You don't need to need to start over from scratch once you have done all that work, so make sure you're secure.

After spending a few days and hitting a few spots around town, I eventually find a cafe that offers free, unsecured Wi-Fi and to my pleasure, there are a ton of people sitting around each day connecting their laptops to the"free" Internet services. I sit down and use my handy dandy cracker tool that is Wi-Fi and log . Remember, they are all on a network.

Yes, you want to do regular backups of your site. I recommend at least a weekly database backup and a monthly "full" backup. More. Definitely more, if you make frequent additions and changes to your site. If you have a community of people sites which are in there all the time, or make changes multiple times a day, a daily backup should be a minimum.

Now we are getting into things specific to WordPress. Whenever you install WordPress, you have to edit the document config-sample.php and rename it to config.php. You need to install the database information there.

Those are three things you can do to keep WordPress secure without plugins. Put a blank Index.html file in your folders, run your web host security scan and backup your entire account.

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